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Key takeaways 1
Floating wind and solar energy
VC ecosystem
The need for floating energy 3
Geographical differences 5
Challenges and benefits: wind 6
Challenges and benefits: solar 7
Select company highlights 8
Published on July 17, 2023
Designed by Chloe Ladwig and Joey Schaffer
Floating Wind and Solar Energy
Floating wind and solar energy technologies provide
unique benefits in certain applications
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Key takeaways
• The VC ecosystem for floating wind and solar technologies is small, driven by a
historically higher focus on fixed implementations and the immaturity of floating
platform technologies designed specifically for renewable energy. However, global
interest in these technologies is increasing, and the varied applications for floating
renewable energy provide opportunities for companies in this space.
• Floating wind technologies focus on offshore, deep-water implementations, but
differences in local conditions, such as water depth, wave height, and seabed
composition, affect the viability of different technologies. No single approach
is more effective than others. Floating solar, which generally leans more toward
inshore, artificial water bodies, is also varied, with multiple applications, including
municipal and industrial reservoirs and the aquaculture industry.
• Floating wind and solar technologies face some significant challenges that are
largely based on the cost premium relative to fixed designs but also on technical
difficulties with floating platforms and grid connections. Price differentials
between floating and fixed technologies are predicted to decrease as the
technologies mature—US estimates show a price premium of approximately 25%
for floating solar projects relative to fixed solar projects.1 In the US, floating wind is
estimated to have a significant price premium of 176% over fixed-bottom offshore
wind, though this is expected to decrease considerably by 2035 to just 21%.2
• Floating renewable energy technologies also provide a set of benefits, including
reduced land use; access to areas with stronger, more stable wind (in the case
of floating offshore wind); and reduced water loss from reservoirs (in the case of
floating solar installations).
John MacDonagh
Senior Analyst, Emerging
1: “Floating Photovoltaic System Cost Benchmark: Q1 2021 Installations on Artificial Water Bodies,” National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Vignesh
Ramasamy and Robert Margolis, October 2021.
2: “A Driving FORCE for Projecting Offshore Wind Energy Costs,” Department of Energy, April 13, 2023.
PitchBook Analyst Note: Floating Wind and Solar Energy
Floating wind and solar energy VC ecosystem
The floating wind and solar industries are still small relative to both terrestrial and
fixed-bottom offshore wind and solar industries. Currently, many of the largest
installations have been built by utilities such as Portugal’s EDP or by large public
companies that focus on energy and often have significant historic activity in the
oil & gas sector. The core technical challenge for floating solar and wind technology
providers lies in the floating platform, as the electricity-generating components they
support are often sourced externally. Most of the startups in this space follow this
approach, developing floating platforms themselves and then choosing appropriate
turbines or solar panels on these platforms. The startup ecosystem is very small
at present due to the cost premiums of floating technology relative to fixed-base
installations and limited demand, but interest is increasing in key regions, driven
by emissions targets and wider acknowledgment of the importance of energy
independence and resilience.
VC-backed companies focusing on floating energy are fairly evenly split between the
wind and solar categories, and Europe accounts for more than 50% of companies
in both categories. VC deal sizes tend to be somewhat low, with Principle Power’s
$20.0 million early-stage VC deal and $22.0 million late-stage VC deal being the
largest. Considering the size of the VC-backed floating wind and solar space, few
exits have been seen. In 2021, France-headquartered floating wind technology
developer Ideol was acquired by Norway-based offshore wind company BW
Offshore and went public as BW Ideol via IPO shortly after, raising $67.6 million.
BW Ideol uses a barge-type platform with a damping pool for stability and has
operating projects in both France and Japan. Other European projects are in
progress, including a partnership to develop approximately 1 GW of floating wind
energy as part of the Buchan Offshore Wind project off Scotland’s northern coast.
Hexicon is a Sweden-based developer of floating wind technology and raised $41.4
million via IPO in 2021 after several rounds of VC funding. The company has also
been expanding its project portfolio in Europe, with particularly strong development
in Italy and Sweden. Hexicon uses a multi-turbine approach, with two turbines on a
semi-submersible or a tension leg platform (TLP), depending on site conditions.
Floating wind and solar represent an opportunity for startups. The space has few
market participants, and several key regions, including the US, EU, and UK, have
announced growth in renewable energy sources, including specific growth targets
for floating energy. Europe and Asia have already begun to increase installed
capacity, and the US has held auctions for the first floating offshore wind leases.
These leases included five sites off the coast of California, four of which were
won by European companies. Further auctions for sites in Oregon and Maine are
expected in 2024. Policy support is driving adoption in several geographies, and
interest in energy resilience is also a key driver. Floating solar startups are varied
in their approaches and target applications, including municipal and industrial
reservoirs and aquaculture. The US has particularly strong potential for floating
solar growth due to its high number of viable sites.3
3: “Energy Production and Water Savings From Floating Solar Photovoltaics on Global Reservoirs,” Nature Sustainability, Yubin Jin, et al., March 13,
The US has particularly
strong potential for floating
solar growth due to its high
number of viable sites.
PitchBook Analyst Note: Floating Wind and Solar Energy
Technologies for floating platforms are highly varied, and the most suitable
technology will depend on the use case. Startups tend to focus on a single design,
and this provides space for a diverse range of approaches in floating wind and
solar markets. Since floating platforms’ energy generation technology is typically
from third parties, startups developing floating platforms are potential targets
for partnerships or acquisition to expand the offerings of companies providing
renewable energy hardware or fixed-bottom renewable projects.
The need for floating energy
Clean energy efforts have been growing globally as nations have announced climate
goals and the cost of low-carbon energy technologies has fallen. Additionally,
recent geopolitical events have highlighted the importance of energy security,
which renewable energy can provide. In some situations, the levelized cost of
energy (LCOE) for renewable energy technologies is now cost-competitive with
conventional fossil-fuel-based approaches, and utility-scale solar and wind energy
are among the cheapest options, particularly when taking government subsidies
into account.4, 5 For both solar- and wind-based electricity generation, total costs
vary greatly depending on factors such as the local climate, existing connections
to power grids, land costs, and materials costs. Of these, utility-scale terrestrial
installations generally have the lowest LCOE. Interest in community and residential
renewable energy has increased, but these applications have a much higher LCOE
relative to large-scale installations.
Though terrestrial installations represent the lowest cost of all wind and solar
projects, there is also a growing desire for water installations—particularly
for offshore wind projects. Although they have a slightly higher LCOE, these
installations contend less with aesthetic problems and higher land costs. Existing
designs for fixed-bottom offshore wind technology allow wind farms to be
constructed in water up to a depth of about 200 feet, which provides plenty
of additional sites for regions that have substantial continental shelf, but in
locations where water depth increases more rapidly, offshore wind must rely on
floating technologies.
Floating platforms have a long history in the oil & gas industry for exploration and
production purposes, and the development of these technologies forms the basis of
floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) designs, which are often separated by their
stabilization method:6
4: LCOE is a measure of the average cost of electricity generation over the installation’s lifetime, including initial capital costs, operation and
maintenance, and fuel costs, where appropriate. Essentially, LCOE is equal to the sum of costs over the asset’s lifetime, divided by the total electricity
5: “Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis—Version 16.0,” Lazard, April 2023.
6: “Critical Review of Floating Support Structures for Offshore Wind Farm Deployment,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Mareike Leimeister, et
al., 2018.
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